27 Feb The results are in… …
The results are in…
What a massive week we had last week for our first Chappy Week for 2017. Last week we pledged to donate 10% of all sales back to Becky Holloway and her Chaplaincy Service at Undurba State School.
In 2015 we set the record for the biggest Chappy Week and it hasn’t been broken since then. When we announce a Chappy Week we never know what to expect or how it’s going to go but we knew from the response to Becky’s Chappy Week announcement that her week was going to be pretty special.
So with all this being said we are so very happy to be donating a massive $912.45 to Becky and her Chaplaincy Service. A new record has been set!!
Thank you so very much to everyone who supported this week.
Our next Chappy Week starts on the 13th March 2017 for Kylie Conomos from Bald Hills State School.
#suqld #chappyweek #bringinghopetoayounggeneration #payitforward #community #beckyholloway