03 May The results are in… …
The results are in…
Last week we held our third Chappy Week for 2017, for school chaplain Sharon Hocking, from Strathpine State School. We pledged to donate 10% from all sales to Sharon and her chaplaincy service.
Even though we had a short week with the public holidays we were still booked out everyday.
It’s with great pleasure to announce that we will be donating $521.99 to Sharon and her Chaplaincy Service.
Thank you to everyone who has supported this Chappy week.
Our next fundraising week will start in two weeks for a special not for profit organization that supports men, women & children. We will post more information on this special fundraising week next week.
#suqld #chappyweek #bringinghopetoayounggeneration #payitforward #community #sharonhocking #buildalongertable