20 Jun **Special Fundraising Chappy Week Alert** …
**Special Fundraising Chappy Week Alert**
Our next Chappy Week starts on Monday 26th June 2017 for Jeff Howard, Regional Manager for Brisbane and his Sports Ministry Program. For many Australians, sport is in our blood. It runs through our veins and it’s a passion that either unites or divides us. Through the Sports Ministry Program, Jeff and his team bring communities together through sport. So this is why we are giving Jeff and his team a Chappy Week.
During this week we pledge to donate 10% from all sales back to Jeff and his Sports Ministry Program.
We are taking bookings now on 3205 7122 or 0417 616 118.
#suqld #chappyweek #bringinghopetoayounggeneration #community #payitforward #jeffhoward #sportsministry