Introducing Dave Hockey, school Chaplain at Pine …

Man with Beard

Introducing Dave Hockey, school Chaplain at Pine …

Introducing Dave Hockey, school Chaplain at Pine Rivers State High School. Some might be familiar with Dave because we ran a Chappy Week for Dave two years ago.

Well now Dave is on his own quest to raise money for his Chaplaincy Service so he can increase a day at his school. His fundraising initiative is called “Shave Dave”. That’s right, it’s time for the ‘Mo to Go’.
Dave still has a little bit to go to reach his target but ‘D-Day’ is today so he’s appealing for last minute donations.

If you feel within yourself, whilst reading this post, that you would like to support School Chaplaincy please click the link below. Dave is one of the original School Chaplains. He therefore doesn’t receive any government funding. Dave needs to fundraise for the entire Chaplaincy Service funding at Pine Rivers High School. He sure could do with some assistance.
Thank you for your consideration.

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