10 Jul **Chappy Week starts today** 1
**Chappy Week starts today**
Introducing Scott Devine, school chaplain at Redcliffe State High School & Kippa-ring State School.
We have had the pleasure of knowing Scott and his family for a couple of years now and he is a quiet, humble and selfless individual. He truly loves his job and is so passionate about both the schools that he works in and the community that surrounds them. This is why we are giving Scott his own Chappy Week starting today to recognize him and thank him for all that he does within these two schools.
During this week, we pledge to donate 10% from all sales back to Scott and his Chaplaincy services. We are taking bookings now on 3205 7122 or 0417 616 118. If you too would like to support school Chaplaincy please give us a call.
#suqld #chappyweek #bringinghopetoayounggeneration #community #payitforward #scottdevine #chaplaincy