Today marks the first day of our Chappy Week for Rachael Pickard, school chaplain at both Bracken Ridge & Brighton Primary Schools.
Rachael’s role as a chaplain extends further than the classrooms at her schools. Rachael has directed the SU QLD Mapleton Adventure Camp for the past 8 years. This photo is from one of the many highlights at the camp – the “Camp Carnival”.
It has become evident over the time that I have known Rachael that she is a very much loved member of her school community. Rachael has invested in the students, teachers, parents and the local community.
For all these reasons and many more, we are giving Rachael and her Chaplaincy Service their very own Chappy Week. We pledge to donate 10% of the sales from this week to Rachael and her Chaplaincy Service.
There has been such an outpouring of support to Rachael that we only have a couple of spaces left this week. Please call us on 3205 7122 or 0417 616 118 to book a time.
**Remember we always donate 10% from your sale, any time of the year back to your Chaplain. You just need to mention it when you collect your vehicle.
#weberautomotive #suqld #chappyweek #bringinghopetoayounggeneration #community #payitforward #rachaelpickard