05 Jun **Chappy Week starts today** …
**Chappy Week starts today**
Introducing Trudi Bechard, school chaplain at Bracken Ridge State High School. Trudi has been a school chaplain for a number of years, running programs within the school community to empower the students to deal with everyday issues and really developing relationships with the students, teachers and parents. Trudi is a very much love member of the community and so this is why we are giving her a Chappy Week.
During the week from Monday 5th June 2017 to Saturday 10th June 2017, we pledge to donate 10% from all sales to Trudi and her Chaplaincy Service. You can book your vehicle in by calling 3205 7122 or 0417 616 118.
If you would like to support school Chaplaincy too, visit www.suqld.org.au
#suqld #chappyweek #bringinghopetoayounggeneration #community #payitforward #trudibechard