**Chappy Week starts today** …

rugby game

**Chappy Week starts today** …

**Chappy Week starts today**

Introducing Jeff Howard, Regional Manager for Scripture Union Brisbane and the founder of the Sports Ministry Project here in Brisbane.
Jeff’s passion is seeing communities come together through sport. Juggling the development of the Sports Ministry project with his current role as Regional Manager, Jeff has loved sport ever since he can remember.
“I’m like a lot of people in that I just love sport. I love the idea of what sport does for community”.
Since attending 2 international Sports Ministry Conferences in Orlando, Florida, Jeff has been committed to seeing SU Qld’s Sports Ministry get off the ground and flourish.
Jeff would like to continue to expand the Sports Ministry program and is needing funds to do this.
So, we have agreed to hold a “Special Fundraising Week” for Jeff and the money raised during this week will go towards the development of Sports Ministry across the state.
We pledge to donate 10% from all sales during this week to this Sports Ministry program. Please jump on board and share this post, book your car in during this week and support this really great initiative by Scripture Union Qld & Jeff Howard.
#suqld #chappyweek #bringinghopetoayounggeneration #community #payitforward #sportsministry #jeffhoward