26 Aug 2015-2016 Chappy Week Results & Highlights …
2015-2016 Chappy Week Results & Highlights
Total number of people reached during Facebook campaign: 47985
Total shares for Chappy Week posts: 76
People liked: 93
Comments on Chappy Week posts: 67
Money raised in Chappy Weeks: $6,461.89
Money raised on “Individual Chappy” campaign (mention you support a Chappy and we don’t to their chaplaincy service 10% of your sale – this is ongoing): $1,592.53
Total donated to SU Chaplaincy Services : $8,054.42
Every little bit adds up so if you can support our school chaplains please visit www.suqld.org.au or give us a call and we will connect you with the right people.
Thank you for supporting our little business with this initiative over the past 12 months.
#suqld #chappyweek #bringinghopetoayounggeneration #community #payitforward #liveandlivewell