04 Mar How exciting to hear about this news. The …
How exciting to hear about this news. The Chaplaincy program within our schools is so under valued. The understanding of what a school Chaplain does is still unknown to many within our community, but within the school community they all know they would be losing a valuable asset if their school Chaplain wasn’t there. Please follow this link if you support school Chaplaincy to keep this valuable program within our schools.
#suqld #chappy #schoolchaplaincy #weberautomotive
Luke Howarth
Funding for the chaplaincy program has not increased since 2007. I am rallying support from other Coalition Members to ensure this vital program is funded in the May 2018 Budget.
Click 👍🏼 to show your support to Treasurer, Scott Morrison MP – ScoMo and Education Minister, Simon Birmingham.
Thank you to all the chappies in my electorate of Petrie, I can say from witnessing it first hand – you all do a wonderful job!!